Dr. Costa & Dr. Waxmen Family Dentistry Blog

Veneers: A Long-Lasting Smile Upgrade

February 2, 2025

a patient admiring her new veneers

These days, more and more people are achieving the smiles they’ve always dreamed of with the help of treatments like porcelain veneers. In fact, the demand for cosmetic dentistry has effectively doubled in the last five years alone! But if you’re curious about seeking veneers to enhance your smile’s looks, you might wonder right off the bat just how long your new smile is destined to last. Here’s what you need to know about the lifespan of veneers and a few useful tips for ensuring your smile continues to look refreshed and beautiful for many years to come!


Can Cosmetic Dentistry Address My Short Teeth?

December 3, 2024

a veneers before/after photo

Are you hesitant to smile due to one or more of your teeth seeming shorter than the rest? This is actually quite a common issue in the world of dentistry – however, just because it’s widespread doesn’t mean it should be shrugged off! In fact, it can lead to both aesthetic issues as well as problems that affect your dental wellness. Luckily, your cosmetic dentist can help resolve the issue! Here’s what you need to know.


Why Are My Teeth Gray & Can It Be Reversed?

November 2, 2024

a patient smiling in a mirror

Your smile is often one of the first things that people will notice about you; not to mention that it’s what greets you every morning when you look into the bathroom mirror! You should always want it to not only be in great health but to look its absolute best – and dental discoloration can take its toll on your pearly whites and dull their shine. However, did you know that in some cases, this staining may not be the usual brown or yellow, but blueish/gray instead? Here’s more about what causes gray teeth and how your cosmetic dentist can help!


3 Tips to Keep Your Smile Looking Great This Halloween, No Matter Your Costume!

October 8, 2024

a smiling woman holding a pumpkin

Halloween is a time for costumes, candy, and fun, but during all of the excitement, one thing you’ll want to keep in mind is your smile. After all, the plethora of sweets and treats that are present during this holiday certainly pose a threat to your dental wellness, and the very last thing you should want is for your smile to be the scariest part of your costume! Luckily, no matter what you’re planning to dress as, it’s relatively easy to ensure that your teeth stay healthy and beautiful; here are some tips to keep in mind,


World Smile Day: Giving Back to the Community & Sharing Smiles

October 4, 2024

people planting trees together

In 1999, October 4th was declared World Smile Day, which many people know of because of the iconic yellow circle smiley face that accompanies the holiday. However, the history of World Smile Day goes even further back than 1999 and has an even deeper meaning and history than many people realize. Read on to learn more about how World Smile Day came to be and what you can do to celebrate.


Can I Wear Invisalign If I Had Braces in the Past?

September 3, 2024

a patient holding their Invisalign aligner

Orthodontic treatment is something that many people end up needing during their youth, and if you’ve gone through this, you probably know just how much of a process it can feel like. However, it’s not uncommon for patients to need a little extra orthodontic work later in life, to address stubborn misalignment that has returned. In these cases, Invisalign can often be an effective solution! Here’s what you need to know.


6 Things Your Dentist Never Puts in Their Mouth (& Why You Shouldn’t Either)

August 7, 2024

Several lemons lying on rustic table

When it comes to advice on keeping your smile healthy, happy, and beautiful, you shouldn’t look to content creators on social media; you should look to your dentist! After all, they have years of training and experience on all things oral health, including what NOT to do. With this in mind, keep reading for six things your dentist never puts in their mouth.


Invisalign: The Modern Solution for Straighter Teeth and Healthier Bites

July 3, 2024

a patient with Invisalign smiling

If you’re self-conscious about your smile due to crooked teeth or issues with your bite, you might be a little reluctant to commit to metal braces. As tried-and-true as they are, they’re still cumbersome and noticeable, to say the least. But there’s luckily another modern, effective solution that’s much more comfortable and convenient for patients: Invisalign. Though you might not realize it at first glance, these trays can do much more than straighten teeth – they can even correct overbites, underbites and other similar problems! Here’s what you need to know.


4 Common Causes of Yellow Aligners

June 17, 2024

Dentist with blue glove holding clear aligner

Like countless others, you may have been drawn to Invisalign because the aligners are clear, making your teeth-straightening journey virtually undetectable. But what happens if they start to discolor, negatively impacting how they look and smell? Below, you’ll find four common causes of yellow aligners as well as what you can do to help prevent that from happening.


4 Exciting Dentist-Approved Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

May 2, 2024

a daughter hugging her mother

Mother’s Day is just around the corner! This special day is an excellent occasion to show appreciation to all of those wonderful mothers out there for everything they do. However, finding the perfect gift for your mom isn’t always easy, and you might be stumped. Here are four dentist-approved gift ideas that are certain to keep your mom smiling for several years to come!
